Altered Level of Consciousness:
Upon arriving to the scene, perform EMCAP, observing for any threats or potential causes of patient condition (Gas leaks, drugs, ETOH, etc.).
Form a general impression of the patient, observing LOA, positioning, work of breathing, and skin colour and condition.
Immediately upon patient contact, perform the primary survey, assessing LOA, airway patency, adequacy of respirations, and peripheral pulse for rate, rhythm and quality, as well as cap refill. If the patient is unresponsive perform assessment CAB instead of ABC. Correct life threats prior to moving on with assessment.
If the patient is RESPONSIVE, perform the secondary assessment obtaining HPI, PMHx, Medications, Allergies, and Last ins/outs.
Obtain baseline vital signs including BGL, and if appropriate a 12-lead ECG.
Perform physical assessment of neurological, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems, including a stroke assessment.
Attempt to determine the cause of ALOA, considering Sugar, Stroke, Seizure, Sepsis, Overdose, Hypoxia, Trauma, or Cardiac causes. Use AEIOUHOTTIPS as an aid.
Treat as appropriate and transport with continued reassessment.
If the patient is UNRESPONSIVE, obtain historical details from bystanders if possible.
Perform rapid medical assessment and rapid trauma assessment as needed to look for clues as to cause.
Obtain baseline vitals, including BGL and 12-lead ECG.
Treat as appropriate and transport with ongoing detailed assessment en-route.